Men’s Testosterone Replacement FAQs
What is pellet therapy?
Pellet therapy consists of inserting a prescribed number of pellets (they are a little bigger than a grain of rice) into the fatty tissue underneath your skin in the hip region. Our pellets are made of compounded testosterone.
The pellets contain hormones, which mimic (are bio-identical to) the effects of hormones in your body, and are gradually released into your bloodstream.
The pellets are released based on your cardiac output – how much physical activity you do, how much stress you’re under, etc.
Unlike other forms of hormone replacement (creams, shots, etc), pellets do not require daily maintenance, aren’t messy, and don’t require you to remember to do something every day. No one needs the added stress!
What is the cost for pellets?
Please see our Plans & Pricing page for further information regarding pricing.
Do you accept insurance or HSA?
At this time, we do not accept insurance or health savings accounts. Payment can be made using cash, cashier’s check, or credit card.
Why are pellets more expensive for men?
Men receive 7-8 more Testosterone pellets than a female receives, therefore the charge is higher. However, if you average it out $800 2x per year is only $133/month for pellets compared to women $400 3x per year which averages to $100. It actually equals out to be very similar pricing when you consider supplements/neutraceuticals etc.
How is low Testosterone diagnosed?
Low Testosterone can be diagnosed if you have 3 or more of the following symptoms:
· Fatigue
· Low sex drive
· Erectile dysfunction (ED)
· Loss of muscle mass
· Loss of stamina
· Loss of motivation
· Irritability
· Osteoporosis
· Insomnia
· Migraines
· Short term memory loss
We also check your total testosterone and free testosterone blood levels. Total levels below 400 and free levels below 129 we would treat. A man must have both the symptoms and the low blood levels to qualify for treatment.
What symptoms do testosterone pellets treat?
As men age, their testosterone decreases causing symptoms above. Therefore, with replacement those symptoms improve or resolve completely. Lower testosterone levels in men actually put them at risk for developing diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis, cancers, arthritis, and obesity. It is imperative to replace testosterone for disease prevention and as an added bonus you feel great!
Why are testosterone pellets better than patches, shots and pills?
Pellet therapy allows a safe, economical, and more convenient way, to receive hormone replacement therapy that guarantees a therapeutic level over many months. Pellets are typically dosed twice yearly in men. This allows natural, testosterone hormone to be delivered directly into the blood stream and distributed through the body by your cardiac output rather than the drastic rise and fall drastically like other methods. Also, pellets are not immediately converted to the byproducts (Estrone/DHT), which can cause prostate swelling, hair loss, belly fat and a requirement for more and more testosterone.
Does testosterone cause prostate cancer?
No. The metabolites of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and estrone, cause prostate enlargement. The expert in prostate cancer, Dr. Morgantaler from Harvard, has proven that low testosterone levels actually contribute to prostate cancer.
Should a man who has prostate cancer take testosterone pellets?
No. However, if a man has had prostate cancer that is completely removed surgically, and no longer has any prostate cancer cells, then it could be considered according to Dr. Morgantaler the expert in prostate cancer.
Should I try another form of testosterone before I come in for pellets?
No. There is no reason for you to try a different method. Testosterone hormone is delivered directly into the blood stream via pellet and distributed through the body by your cardiac output rather than the drastic rise and fall drastically like other methods.
Why are testosterone pellets better than Viagra?
Testosterone fixes the real problem. It is low testosterone that is causing the low sex drive and sexual performance. Viagra does not help with sexual desires. Viagra only treats erectile dysfunction (ED) and the medication itself comes with many side effects.
Where are the pellets inserted in men?
There are two places: the upper outer hip and love handles.
How often do I have to get pellets inserted?
Pellets must be re-inserted every five-six months to prevent symptoms from coming back.
How long will it take for the pellets to work?
It takes about 3-5 weeks to get the full effect. Pellets must be re-inserted every five-six months to prevent symptoms from coming back.
Can I receive testosterone pellets for the purpose of body building or athletic performance if I have normal testosterone levels?
No. Reviving Wellness does not treat men solely for athletics. Our goal is to replace testosterone in men with low levels to improve the symptoms of low testosterone that happen with aging. We strive to prevent age related disease.
How long will it take to start losing weight on testosterone?
This depends on how obese you are when you start treatment, your diet, how much you exercise, and if you use weights while exercising. Typically, we tell people you should notice your belly fat diminish after the first year of treatment, but it could be sooner.
Will my testicles shrink while I take the testosterone pellets?
Yes, to some extent. Testicles shrink normally with age, with lower testosterone production. As the testosterone, in the form of pellet, takes over the testicles won’t produce as much testosterone. This is not permanent, it is most commonly only a cosmetic concern.
Will I still need my ED medicine after I get pellets?
Maybe. Most men find that they do not. Sometimes there may be an underlying cause to a patient’s ED such as a vascular disease. Leriche Syndrome also referred to as aortoiliac occlusive disease which affects the blood vessels that supply the penis may be the cause or even diabetes. If you have a history of vascular disease, you may benefit from seeing a vascular specialist. Many times, a patient’s blood pressure medication can be contributing to the problem. If so, switching to a medication that is least likely to cause ED would be beneficial.
Does testosterone improve depression and anxiety?
Yes. Actually man men end up weaning off anti-depressant medications which are actually causing low libido.
Will testosterone help control my diabetes?
Yes, in most cases it will. Testosterone increases insulin sensitivity which will decrease triglycerides and stabilize blood glucose. However, in regards to erections in men with long standing uncontrolled diabetes. They may already have significant damage to the small arteries that supply the penis so testosterone will not improve erections in this population. Other treatment in addition to testosterone may be necessary.
Do testosterone pellets increase my risk of blood clots?
No. We evaluate your blood counts before starting therapy. Testosterone can raise your blood counts and produce what is known as a “secondary erythrocytosis” which is not harmful. This is similar to high blood counts of those living in high altitudes. In cases such as these, phlebotomy is not routinely recommended. However, if you have an elevated hemoglobin or hematocrit at baseline you may warrant a referral to hematology for diagnoses such as hemochromatosis or polycythemia vera. We would not recommend testosterone therapy in those individuals unless hematology gives clearance.